Thanks Circle K!

  A BIG Dawn Farm thank you to Circle K International at the University of Michigan for volunteering with us on Saturday to help spruce up the Farm! If you have a group that would like to do a volunteer project with us, contact Megan at 734.485.8725 or...

Delonis Center love!

We’ve been doing a lot of work with the Delonis Center this year. Their workers have been coming to Spera to help enroll our clients in the Washtenaw Health Plan. We’ve been going there to provide recovery support. Some of their staff have also made time...

For family, friends and other loved ones

When families are faced with addiction, hope can feel completely out of reach. But hope is real, and help is ready””at Dawn Farm. At the Farm, thousands of men and women have found compassionate care, professional treatment and the recovering peer support they...

Adolescents & Recovery Support Groups

The best summary we’ve found on the subject was written by our friend Bill White. It can be found here. Some of the highlights are below: Participation in 12-step programs has been linked to improved long-term recovery rates of adolescents with substance use...

Are Twelve Step Programs Good For Women?

We have heard from helping professionals, university faculty and others that twelve step programs “don’t work for women,” “are bad for women,” “do women an injustice,” etc. Is this true? The reality is that research does...