Jail and Community Corrections
Program Description
Dawn Farm offers three services within the local criminal justice system. These services include:
Our staff facilitates recovery groups inside of the Washtenaw County Jail. These groups are sometimes the first introduction that people have to recovery. These groups function as a safe space for introduction to recovery. Clients can use this time to establish a working plan for continued recovery after release from jail.
Diversion & Reentry
We also advocate for folks who need more comprehensive treatment services. Through coordination between our staff, jail staff, and Community Mental Health staff, we are sometimes able to divert folks from the jail to treatment. Other times, we assist the county’s re-entry initiative by setting up community support services for after people are released from release.
Community Corrections Outpatient
The community corrections outpatient program is a collaboration between our staff and the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s office to provide outpatient treatment to people who are under county supervision. Clients are required to attend meetings, participate in drug screenings, and adhere to the rules of their supervision in this program. Participants develop a treatment plan with a counselor and work on concrete, time-specific treatment goals.

Continuum of Care
These programs play an introductory role on our continuum of care. On its own, any of these programs can be a lower-level treatment option for people who want to establish a foundation for early recovery. However, these programs can also serve as a starting point for a referral to another service in our continuum. Clients who need a higher level of care are regularly diverted into our long-term residential treatment program. Additionally, clients engaged in Jail/CCOP programs frequently move into transitional housing and access ongoing recovery support services as well.
Length of Treatment
4-8 weeks (Jail Program)
12-30 weeks (Community Corrections Outpatient)
These programs operate out of two locations in coordination with the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office:
Washtenaw County Jail
2201 Hogback Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Community Corrections
4101 Washtenaw Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
These programs are offered at no cost to our clients, thanks to a contract with the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department.
Access to Services
Typically, clients in our jail program are appointed. If you or a loved one are incarcerated in Washtenaw County Jail and have interest in engaging with our services, please inquire with the jail staff.
If you are on probation and did not get a referral to our Community Corrections Outpatient Program, you can still access our Outpatient Services. Just call our Intake Team at 734.669.8625.
Meet Our Clinical Team
Brad Schmidt, LMSW
Jail and Community Corrections Program Coordinator
Brad coordinates Dawn Farm substance use treatment programming in partnership with the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office. He received his Bachelor of Social Work degree from Eastern Michigan University, followed by his Master of Social Work degree from the University of Michigan.
Prior to this role, Brad has worked for Dawn Farm as a Spera Counselor, Recovery Support Specialist, Outpatient Group Facilitator, and Clinical Therapist within Dawn Farm’s residential treatment program. Before taking his Clinical Therapist position, Brad spent three months observing, presenting, and collaborating with addiction treatment professionals in Tokyo, Kawasaki, Mihara, and Hiroshima, Japan, as well as guest lectures at both Hiroshima and Mihara Universities’ social work programs.
Brad and his team are passionate about extending Dawn Farm’s mission within the Washtenaw County Jail, and the larger local criminal justice system. Further, about helping folks break cycles of recidivism by beginning/continuing their recovery journey through corrections programming and/or diversion into Dawn Farm’s continuum of care. Outside of Dawn Farm, Brad enjoys creating music, observing art, gardening, and traveling as often as possible.

Elizabeth Aoki, LLMSW
Scott Golem, BSW
Diana Curry
Recovery Support Specialist
Joey McIntyre
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