Our Scholarship Waitlist

When people inquire about a Scholarship for long-term residential treatment, we follow this process:

  • First, we help them determine if they qualify for funding for treatment elsewhere. (For example, perhaps their insurance will fund them to go to a different treatment program within their network).
  • Second, we will determine if the person seeking treatment has made use of these funded means of treatment within the last year.
  • If the person in need of treatment has not made use of other funded means of treatment within the last year, we will refer them to that option first, as it will undoubtedly be a more timely means of accessing treatment than waiting on our Scholarship waitlist.
  • If the person in need of treatment has made use of other funded means of treatment within the last year, or does not have any funded means of treatment available to them, we then add them to our Scholarship waitlist.

This referral method is designed to get people access to treatment as quickly as possible. We are working hard to balance giving everyone access to our scholarship waitlist, and keeping wait times on our waitlist manageable. After all, a waitlist that extends years into the future does not amount to meaningful access to treatment.

We continue to reevaluate our Scholarship waitlist process with the goal of providing as much access to addiction treatment as possible. Please do not hesitate to call us with questions at 734.669.8265.

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