September 13 @ 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm | Free

About the 2015 jamboree…
Dawn Farm’s Jamboree is a celebration of 42 years””our annual birthday party! And you’re invited! Originally called our “Founder’s Day,” this event welcomes the community to join us for auctions, kids’ events, live music, great food and more! We welcome the whole family to join us on this special day””enjoy the fellowship and great family activities. Don’t miss it!
You are our special guest!
The Jamboree is the ultimate family event””and it’s FREE. You can come and spend the whole day without spending a dollar, or at most drop a few bucks on some of our really great food offerings. You can listen to great music, tour the Farm, go on a hayride or hang out with friends. But want to spend some $$ in support of the Farm? We have two great auctions with hundreds of terrific items. Please join us on September 13th to join us in gratitude for the lasting work of Dawn Farm!
With corporate support from…

With auction items from…
Alison’s Stained Glass | Lee Hazelgrove |
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre | LG Herbster Photography |
Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase | Lisa Loudermilk |
Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra | Marie Scarpa |
Ann Arbor Therapeutic Massage Clinic | Mark Sundling |
Art of Murf | Mary Jane Erard |
Bella Joy Pottery | Mary Jane Erard |
Belle Tire | Mary Johnston Paintings |
Benjamin Bigelow | Motawi Tileworks |
Bill Dziejman | Neptune Hot Glass |
Bivouac | Patrick Meyer Studio |
Bob & Justin Bykowski | Paul Fletcher |
Brad Devlin | Performance Network Theatre |
Brian Jensen | Pete Elliott |
Bruce Holwerda | PlanetPrahler |
cards w/attitude | Platz Images |
Carla Wright | Pui-Lan Art |
Cavatica Designs | Red Barn Studios |
Chris & Kate Vaughan | Richard Helland Watercolors |
Chris Seeman | Rick Loudermilk |
Chuck Wimmer | Robin Kittleson |
Complete Chiropractic & Bodywork Therapies | Sarah Stanton Jewelry Designs |
Dan & Frances Hedblom | Seva |
Daniel B. Lager | Sharon Tesser |
Daniel James Barry | Slows Bar B Q |
David Frank Photography | SMG Photo Gallery |
Dawn Farm | Spector Studios |
Debo Groover | Studio D’ Art |
Deda Designs | The BEjeweled Sisters |
Detroit Red Wings | The Crooked Stick |
Diamond Jack’s River Tours | The Purple Rose Theatre Company |
Downtown Home & Garden | The Toledo Zoo |
Easy Street Studios | The University of Michigan’s Center for Organogenesis |
Erica Zap Designs | The Vintage Key |
Francis Metal Works | Theresa Ivan |
Frita Batidos | Toledo Mudhens |
Goldfish Swim School | Toledo Walleye |
Government Consultant Services Inc. | Tom Laudenslager |
Gregory Stejskal | Toni Mann Pottery |
Jaeryon Ha | Vetro Caldo Designs |
Jeff Condon | VicLan Designs |
Jeff Salter | Vince Pompei |
Jim & Martha Balmer | Wager Glass |
Jo Nelson | Ward Art Studio |
John Furches Gallery | Washtenaw County Parks and Recreation Commission |
JPW Pottery | Wiard’s Orchards, Inc. |
Kalahari Resorts | Yair Stern |
Kara Wood Designs | YOLU |
Karen Ambellan | Zingerman’s Bakehouse |
Kate Beck Textiles | Zingerman’s Community of Businesses |
Kathleen Kalinowski | Zingerman’s Deli |
Keith Lewis Studio | Zippy Auto Wash |
Kim Rhoney Fine Art | |
Kyle Spears Photography | |
L&M Arts | |
Lake Forest Golf Club |
If you are interested in supporting the event with a sponsorship gift or auction item donation, please contact Megan at